ZaDora has been Recognized as one of Oregon's Mental Health Hero's May 2020.
Tune in Rooted TV Zoom call on 4/22/19 7:00 p.m. PST to Hear ZaDora speak on Mental Health and Wellness During Covid-19 in the African American Community and it's effects on children.
Rooted TV is hosted by City of Portland's Mayoral candidate Teressa Raiford and Ms. Black Oregon International Ambassador Arya Morman, MSHCA. Rooted TV is a platform to support community members seeking assistance with navigating the Covid-​19 Pandemic in Portland.
Link to recording will be posted soon.
Catch ZaDora on Out The Boxx on The Numberz 96.7 March 15, 2020 7:30p.m.
Catch ZaDora on Out The Boxx on The Numberz 96.7 March 15, 2020 7:30p.m.
ZaDora will be her discussing her passion, career journey in the mental health field, what to expect when going to therapy, myths, making lifestyles changes and the upcoming momcation.
World Wide Wellness Tour 5/11/19 10:00a.m
World Wide Wellness Tour 5/11/19 10:00a.m
ZaDora is kicking of Mental Health Awareness month being a panelist on Ashley McGrit's World Wide Wellness Tour a campaign to destigmatize mental illness, and promote the importance of restoring mental health throughout communities of color.
Junction Ave
Junction Ave
ZaDora will be at Junction ave spreading mental health awareness. She will also be providing education on emotion dysregulation, providing tools and teaching skills to help children regulate their emotions.
Javelin Hardy Live
Javelin Hardy Live
Please join ZaDora January 25th 5-6 p.m.on Ch 11 Comcast and Live on Ghetto Rise Media on YouTube. Topic will be " How are Black Businesses Surviving Gentrification?"
Sankofa Center for Healing will be a guest, Jamaican Homestyles Cuisine, Akadi Portland Restaurant and Desired-Massage Services.
If you want to be a guest in the audience please be there by 4:30-4:45 p.m. as well. Address 2766 NE MLK Open Signal
Videos of Our Work
Videos of Our Work
ZaDora was featured on Javelin Hardy Live at 00:38 minutes. You will have the opportunity learn about what inspired her to begin her journey to understand our she could best meet the needs of her community. The success and challenges as a black business owner.
How to Survive as a Black Owned Business
How to Survive as a Black Owned Business
World Wide Wellness Tour
ZaDora and other African American therapists discuss mental health stigma in African American communities and what they are doing to fight stigma and promote healing within their communities.